7 habits of a highly effective networker

More and more often, we hear that in order to achieve strong sales, we need to build a large and strong network of contacts - to have people whom we can call and who can call us if they need advice, information, recommendations, or just a push in the right direction. So how do we build contacts which will create the social capital from which we can reap some profit?

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I know a certain salesman, and if you met him without knowing what he does, you certainly wouldn’t guess that he works in sales: he’s calm, rather introverted and even phlegmatic. He’s worked at the same company for many years, and from the very beginning he has won awards for the best sales results. Even during the crisis, when most of his colleagues recorded huge drops in sales and reduced their targets by 70%, his sales only declined by 20%.

When asked about the secret to his professional success, and how to achieve such phenomenal results, he responds simply: “Relationships with people. “I build them wisely, and I care about them - and that brings me results.” Fascinated by this secret, I began to explore the strategies of those who have based their success not only relationships with people, but on wise management of their social capital.

Networking - the key to professional success

More and more often, we hear that it is difficult to win clients, and even more difficult to keep them. We hear that there’s a lot of competition, and that ultimately we have to compete on price. We hear that customers have increasingly higher expectations, and that even though client service is getting more and more expensive, they aren’t willing to pay more. We hear that customers already have their suppliers and that it’s hard to get on their list, and when it comes to the sales presentation, they’ll choose the one they know or the one that’s cheaper. Have you experienced such a situation at least once?

On the other hand, in the first place, there are those who do get these contracts. There are those who keep their prices high and still have customers. There are also those whom others recommend, and finally, those who achieve results no matter what the market situation is - despite high customer expectations and intense competition. Therefore, the question arises: How can I be one of those salespeople, how can I get ahead of the competition in terms of information and clients? Both the example of the phlegmatic salesperson described above and my observations show that it’s networking skills which distinguish good salespeople!

Social capital pays off

Networking is like gardening - you need to cultivate relationships over time, to take care of them and look after them, and only then will they blossom and bear fruit. This is the accumulation of social capital. Just like financial capital, social capital may be multiplied, but also spent. The more you put into your account, the more you will be able to share, multiply, or put to use. With regards to your network - the more value and commitment you give those in your network, the more social capital you will accumulate.

Accumulating social capital takes time and requires commitment. From the beginning, master networkers adopt behaviours which allow them to move in circles of valuable and influential people. This skill in itself is one of the most effective marketing strategies, making it possible to build business contacts and achieve above-average sales results. It gives you the opportunity both to find ideal business partners and to learn from entrepreneurs with more experience in the business world and exchange experiences with representatives of a wide range of industries. The best way to learn networking is simply to practice it.

Myths and facts about networking

For a lucky few of us, networking skills come naturally. The vast majority, however, simply don't know how to develop these skills. That’s why it seems difficult, why there is so much confusion. Over the years, many myths on the subject of networking have come up.

We can only build relationships through friends

Many salespeople, especially in situations of change and development, have no choice but to implement their networking strategy among people they don’t know. And many succeed. You have to work to develop contacts and the same goes for contacts with people you don’t know.

Only face-to-face relationships can be effective

Looking at the experience of various salespeople, it is clear that while valuable relationships come from direct networking, the Internet is increasingly used to establish and strengthen ties in business and private life.

Networking is just using people for your own benefit

Many people use networking skills inappropriately, giving them a bad name. Often, when we make mistakes, we lead people to feel that we’ve built relationships simply for our own purposes and benefit. Real relationships can be based only on trust and sincere, mutual satisfaction.

Networking is just giving out business cards

Though many in Poland still see it this way, this really has very little to do with marketing. A business card is a way to exchange contact information, whether it is merely a marker of your presence or a sign of more meaningful cooperation is entirely up to you.

Networking is just for extroverts

Studies show that only 10% of people have a natural gift for networking. The vast majority of people have to learn it. It’s a skill - like any other - which can be learned through practice and improvement.

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to koszt 83 zł miesięcznie
przy jednorazowej płatności za rok

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