Taking stock of your sales activity

Sometimes we need to take a little time to check up on what we are doing, and this is vital in your sales activity if you want to be successful. Continual improvement not only adds to your skill set and improves results but also keeps you motivated through learning. Ideally, take stock every few weeks. If this sounds arduous, there is a tip to use the Stop, Start, Continue method below.


Yes, I am sure you agree that taking stock is important, and you know it needs to be done. Which is great – but are you doing it? Really? How often?

Why take stock?

Firstly, you want to be sure you are on the right track to get to your goal. Take stock of your targets and goals, whether revenue based or activity based (or any other KPI). Then look at what you have been doing:

  • Is it working?
  • Could it be improved?
  • Is it converting leads quickly enough?
  • Should you be prospecting more as you are running out of leads?
  • How many prospects do you need to get the sales required to hit target?

Get your figures up to date.

Secondly, look at how you are selling. If you are using the same words, phrases and approaches that you have used for months, you are in danger of sounding stale. Those potential clients that you’re calling are going to pick up on it, they can hear a tired, or scripted tone within milliseconds (you probably receive these calls yourself!). If you are approaching existing clients, using the same pattern will send a clear signal that you don’t value them, you’re not making them feel special and their trust and opinion of you will plummet.

If you can, video yourself making a call. Then go over it and critique. Top athletes do this all the time, they watch both their own and others’ performances on video, look out for what works, what doesn’t, and where improvements can be made, or new approaches tried. If you want to be at the top of your sales game, this is worth considering. It can feel a little awkward – but you’ll get used to it.

Another tip is to send yourself a voicemail message. Call your landline, or just voice record your average voicemail message. Does it do everything you want it to? How does it sound? Is it clear who you are and what you want? Does the recipient know to call you back, or are you calling them? Would you want to call back if you were them?

Take some time out to look at your sales collateral:

  • What is in your email?
  • Is the tone right?
  • Are you selling the benefits of what you offer, rather than just listing the features?
  • Is it going to stand out in a busy ‘in box’?
  • Is it clear what the call to action is?

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